Mirror Offshore Sailer - what do you like / dislike?


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22 Mar 2024
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Hi all,
I’ve just bought a Mirror Offshore mk1 trailer sailer, and will be keeping her in Conwy. Curious to know from other owners what you disliked and liked about this vessel? I have downgraded to her from a Westerly that was 6ft longer as I want something I can practice with on my own and really get the hang of things (in f2/f3 summer days!!). All comments appreciated.


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13 Sep 2008
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Small but they have done some amazing things .... KTL used one for a lot of his Round Britain trip (Keep Turning Left - see Youtube) ... but he did call her the "4 knot slug" !! bit unfair I think.

Small boats like that actually get to be used often far more than bigger boats ... AND able to creep into those interesting little backwaters / coves that the bigger boys miss out on.

But honestly ? Get on Youtube and have a watch of the first set of Keep Turning Left videos .... guys a TV cameraman - his videos are TV quality. AND he has a good sense of humour.


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12 Nov 2007
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I think they're great for what they are, and the Mk 1 (better looking) version is possibly the shortest production boat with a separate heads compartment.

I think her design, by Van de Stadt, is rather elegant for such a short dumpy boat, and clever for its intended market. As you might expect given the dimensions and shape, they can get quite rolly. Key thing will be having a good motor.

As Refueller says, they have done some great voyages, I recall one sailed from mainland USA to Hawaii, and another IIRC extensively round the Med. A chap on the Humber used to sail his Mirror Offshore on club outings with much larger and faster boats to the continent, and tended to insist on generally sailing not motoring. He was always last home, unsurprisingly, but it didn't stop him keep doing it.


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13 Sep 2008
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Over the years - I am not only one I reckon to notice that boat size and what you can do has changed significantly ....

Not so long ago 19ft's like Alacrity's etc .. were crossing channel and no-one thought anything about it .. Mirro Offshores were crossing N.Sea ....

There was a famous trip of a Wayfarer across channel with a bunch of Scouts ... today - rules prevent a repeat.

I can remember the classic Round the Island Race (Isle of Wght) had various classes incl Silhouette ...

My Father thought nothing of sailing his Snap 23 from East coast to Solent ...

Today - if you say to someone - I'm going to cross the channel in a 25ft boat - they literally think you're crazy !


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Over the years - I am not only one I reckon to notice that boat size and what you can do has changed significantly ....

Not so long ago 19ft's like Alacrity's etc .. were crossing channel and no-one thought anything about it .. Mirro Offshores were crossing N.Sea ....

There was a famous trip of a Wayfarer across channel with a bunch of Scouts ... today - rules prevent a repeat.

I can remember the classic Round the Island Race (Isle of Wght) had various classes incl Silhouette ...

My Father thought nothing of sailing his Snap 23 from East coast to Solent ...

Today - if you say to someone - I'm going to cross the channel in a 25ft boat - they literally think you're crazy !
Fred drift Yes it is interesting how in so many ways how our lives are impacted by more concern re safety. From work place safety to helmets on bikes to seat belts in cars. Of course safety gear for boats is big issue here today. I don't object to the evolution of safety in our society. When it comes to boating it reduces the onerous task of rescue folks in going out after fools. (or the unfortunate)
I think OP will love his new boat. Stop worrying about pros and cons just do it. Biggest tragedy of boats is when they are not used. ol'will


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3 Dec 2012
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Small but they have done some amazing things .... KTL used one for a lot of his Round Britain trip (Keep Turning Left - see Youtube) ... but he did call her the "4 knot slug" !! bit unfair I think.

Small boats like that actually get to be used often far more than bigger boats ... AND able to creep into those interesting little backwaters / coves that the bigger boys miss out on.

But honestly ? Get on Youtube and have a watch of the first set of Keep Turning Left videos .... guys a TV cameraman - his videos are TV quality. AND he has a good sense of humour.
I think there is a legitimate opposing view that given his claimed pedigree KTL was a deeply dulll dirge of a video series which seemed mainly to be a platform for its protagonist’s snide commentary on anyone who had a boat, house or anything else really, that was bigger or better than his, or who watched his vids without sending him money. It was much like the many YouTubers out there doing that, except that the successful ones do it with more charm - my abiding memory is of of him whinging and begging for charitable contributions to allow him to continue his twatting about. Did I mention I was not a fan. Different cups of tea I guess.


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13 Sep 2008
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I think there is a legitimate opposing view that given his claimed pedigree KTL was a deeply dulll dirge of a video series which seemed mainly to be a platform for its protagonist’s snide commentary on anyone who had a boat, house or anything else really, that was bigger or better than his, or who watched his vids without sending him money. It was much like the many YouTubers out there doing that, except that the successful ones do it with more charm - my abiding memory is of of him whinging and begging for charitable contributions to allow him to continue his twatting about. Did I mention I was not a fan. Different cups of tea I guess.

mmmmmm Interesting.

When he started his trek - he started from a Yard that I knew well - Coombes ... and there was quite a discussion about his first videos between pal of mine who had a Video Editing / Recording Company ... KTL ... and myself (incl a few others) via SBC.
Initially KTL was happy to video and post - but as the series progressed - the discussions showed that it was a lot more involved in costs and time.
KTL then decided after a lot of discussion - that he was going to create DVD's and a subscription channel.
I do not blame him - the sheer amount of time and costs are far more than imagined.

You may not like his 'style' - personally and I know plenty people, who as me - find his 'style' a refreshing change from the weasly condescending that often gets put up.

Anyway - regardless of the background to KTL subscription - which is not actually expensive and on par with Patreon ... and you in fact do not need to subscribe - as Youtube is still carrying a huge amount of his videos of the Round Britain. Second - he shows the Mirror Offshore well and its capability's.


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13 Sep 2008
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Fred drift Yes it is interesting how in so many ways how our lives are impacted by more concern re safety. From work place safety to helmets on bikes to seat belts in cars. Of course safety gear for boats is big issue here today. I don't object to the evolution of safety in our society. When it comes to boating it reduces the onerous task of rescue folks in going out after fools. (or the unfortunate)
I think OP will love his new boat. Stop worrying about pros and cons just do it. Biggest tragedy of boats is when they are not used. ol'will

Are you sure that 'incidents' were more in the days of smaller boats ??

I am probably wrong - but I sensed a better appreciation of conditions then - than I do now when I listen to boaters chatting. Seems that increased size / safety gear on board ... may have actually increased to incidents of 'fools out there'.

Pal of mine was member of a 'Charity SAR' group on South Coast UK - talking to him was interesting .. the number of incidents of fools !!


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12 Sep 2001
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Today - if you say to someone - I'm going to cross the channel in a 25ft boat - they literally think you're crazy !
When we bought our Snapdragon 24, about 20 years ago, I phoned around for insurance. One place said, "Sure, no problem - British waters third party £X" "What about crossing the Channel?" "OH no, 24ft is much too small to cross the Channel".

That's fightin' talk! So, of course we had to, didn't we. The only reason it wasn't a regular thing is that, frankly, a Channel crossing on a small, slow boat is boring. If it's exciting, you're doing it wrong.


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5 Sep 2010
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I think there is a legitimate opposing view that given his claimed pedigree KTL was a deeply dulll dirge of a video series which seemed mainly to be a platform for its protagonist’s snide commentary on anyone who had a boat, house or anything else really, that was bigger or better than his,
Except then he changed for a bigger boat, a Hunter Minstral 23 and found it a revalation compared to his Mirror, and then later changed to a Centaur which was another big step up in accommodation and seaworthyness.

Nobody else seems to see the irony in that having started off telling us you only need a small boat.


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17 Feb 2010
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If you are planning on being Conwy or Menai based make sure you buy one with a strong engine as you can't depend on their sailing ability to get you out of a tricky situation.

Keep the prop and bottom clean.

4knots WOT or less could mean an inevitable backwards trip under the bridge by the castle!

I started out in this area on a 20 foot day boat with either a sweep oar or a side mounted seagul for additional motive power.

It taught me respect for the tides and never to fight them!


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I found its outboard very hungry trying to push it along into waves - my Dad should have bought a separate tank for longer coastal trips. It was rotten to windward but fabulous when going up shallow rivers (e.g. up to Rye). The chemical loo put me off chemical loos for ever.
It was also strange as I’d been used to sailing a GK24 which my Dad then sold me to buy the Mirror Offshore to sail mostly himself. One was fast upwind and down and bulletproof against bad weather and although a very very low ceiling was really comfortable and wide down below sitting. The Mirror Offshore couldn’t really compete with that except for the ditch crawling ability.


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13 Sep 2008
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Except then he changed for a bigger boat, a Hunter Minstral 23 and found it a revalation compared to his Mirror, and then later changed to a Centaur which was another big step up in accommodation and seaworthyness.

Nobody else seems to see the irony in that having started off telling us you only need a small boat.

Reasons were sound and sensible ... the waters he was then getting into were better served by going up in boat size .. plus wifey etc were sailing more often with him.

Like many things in life - parameters change.


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12 Nov 2007
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Except then he changed for a bigger boat, a Hunter Minstral 23 and found it a revalation compared to his Mirror, and then later changed to a Centaur which was another big step up in accommodation and seaworthyness.

Nobody else seems to see the irony in that having started off telling us you only need a small boat.

Yes, that is ironic, but it was only possible because he was able and willing to put significantly more money into his project as time went on. Others may not be.

The primary reason for his getting rid of the Mirror Offshore was that his inboard engine had ongoing problems (that he wasn't able or willing to resolve), rather than the boat was inadequate.

I doubt that he had more fun in his larger boats, even if they had other benefits.

Personally i have found, lovely though the space, comfort and facilities of a larger boat are lovely, they come with not just significantly greater cost, but also a lot more maintenance and things to go wrong!.


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One of the boats - think it was the Centaur was an agreed 'deal' ... where if I remember rightly - boat would return to previous'owner' ...

TBH - what does it matter - the Mirror provided an excellent base for him and showed its capabilitys.