Bits that go walk about


Well-known member
6 Sep 2001
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Just been reading "stolen boats&gear"

Amazing what goes walkabout.
I was in a marina on tennerife and my danbuoy dissapeared
another time I was stern to in Naxos and went on deck to have a smoke, there seemed somthing odd,but could not quite place it.Then it dawned on me fenders had been untied from my port guard rail and tied onto the stbd guard rail of the next boat!

Its sad to say but I now fear other yotties (rather than the thought that a non boat person) cause things to go walkies.

Any of you have similar happenings? trouble is you cant name and shame


Well-known member
6 Sep 2001
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Sorry guys I should have posted on Skuttlebutt ,cant move it now cos I get hammered for multi posting


New member
8 Oct 2006
We do alot of trials work for our company in Mayflower Marina in Plymouth. This involves deploying frames and things on the seabed which from time to time need to be recovered. Due to the tidal range we had lots of problems with the rope to the surface getting caught up in the mooring chains for the pontoons.
We came up with the solution of a couple of pulleys on the bottom of the pontoons and a free weight to take up the slack in the rope, which worked really well.
We recently went to lift a frame and found that the ropes holding the pulleys had been cut, and the free weight and rope were nowhere to be seen.
On looking up at the yacht that was berthed where the frame was, we were surprised to see some similar pulleys on his rig - (complete with marine growth from where they had been half sitting in the water!!!!!)
We could not prove anything but the marine growth was a good give away as I would not expect yahct rigging to show signs of it!- result for us was large bill (>£1000) for commercial divers to recover our frame from the seabed.
Cheers Mister whoever you are!!!!