Search results

  1. roly_voya

    Cabin heating on a budget

    The bothy stove is a strong metal box with a means of filling and letting air in plus a chimeny to let smoke out set up in such a way as not to set fire to the surroundings. Comercial one cost a few hundreds. Non comercial ones can be made from scrap with a welding set. The difference is in...
  2. roly_voya

    Morer WIBE Weather Box

    Yes I looked at these and they do seem neat but somewhat expensive given that I can get all the infro either from SSB + laptop or standard navtex (at 2/3 price). The auto bit is what apeals, can you keep it in the laptop case and get alook at the shipping forecast etc by just plugging it in in...
  3. roly_voya

    medical kit

    Yes CG can usually get medical advice in the UK as can RNLI but that generally means you are in VHF range so still in area 1. In that case you don't need an extended medical kit. Sea area 2 requires a comprehensive first aid kit and extended training (commercially full kit and medic but not...
  4. roly_voya

    Emergency self-dentistry.

    Yes the trick is getting it dry enough, the dentist blows dried air on to it. Getting the crown stuck back on might be difficult but it might be easier to use some filling material to cover the top of the tooth and seal any infection route this should preseve things till you get back and...
  5. roly_voya


    Don't leave a charger on a timer it will overcharge the batteries. If you leave it in sure power it needs a 3 step charger that runs at 13.8v to maintain charge, turning it of cycles the system through 14.8v unnecassarily and uses water. If the power supply is reliable there is probably less...
  6. roly_voya


    Never mind the Americans GPS is totally reliyant on the good will of you batteries which is even more worrying than being dependent on the Yanks so carry a non electronic backup to cover both
  7. roly_voya

    medical kit

    I can understand the Dr caution, if they issue a prescription they take some resposibility for the safe administration of that medicine. With adults there are guideline such as the MCA code medical chests and the ships captains medical guide but these don't apply to children. Would suggest you...
  8. roly_voya

    183 Days in France !

    Re: 183 Days in France ! Yes, BUT! Common question and tax law is somwhat complex to say the least. There s a principal in the UK that if you ask the tax office for advice they have to give you the best advice thay can, to the piont that is they get it wrong and it costs you they they have to...
  9. roly_voya

    Berths in S Brittany

    The boats now in Morlaix (and we are back in UK ) after cruise to the brest festival and beyond. Planning to leave the boat in Brittany as it dosent seem worth bringing here all the way back just to do the winter maintainance and we can go over and stay one weekend a month. Want to move on to...
  10. roly_voya

    Perspex windows

    If you rally are worried about cutting accuately make up a template in MDF and then cut with a router. This might also be worth it if you need several windows the same size. The other trick is drill bolt holes 1mm oversize and use cup washers, stops cracking at the fixings. I believe...
  11. roly_voya

    Used Tenders - Where to buy

    Try asking around the local broakers next time you are buy the sea, list time I went into boatshed they had a pile of inflatable that wher left from boat sales. If you want tough anything in hypolon will last and often isnt more expensive s/h even though thay are twice the price when new!
  12. roly_voya

    Battery capacity question

    When sizing a batter bank for an inverter you need to decide how much power you want to take out. You can take quite a large current from quite a small battery for 5-10min without problems with the voltage dropping so if you are looking to boil a kettle, run a vac for a few mins or similar jobs...
  13. roly_voya

    Boat bone dry this weekend

    Is the small drip becoming a much larger leak once everything is hot?
  14. roly_voya

    Securing of main sheet with a cockpit tent

    Snap shackles do not let go under load, in fact the reverse the pressure on the pin makes it impossible to release when under heavy load. Most likely to get a problem when the boom is swinging about under little load. Having said that I use them to attach halyards, sheats and tacks on all head...
  15. roly_voya

    relay working or not ?/ resistance in circuits-bad joints how to find?

    Re: relay working or not ?/ resistance in circuits-bad joints how to f If you dont have a built in battery monitor then a clamp meater capable of measuring at least the full alternator output is very useful, ideally you want one that will measure the starter current. With this you can the...
  16. roly_voya

    Speed V's SOG

    Re: Speed V\'s SOG They are trying to stop inconvienience /damage from wash arn't they!!!
  17. roly_voya

    MOB - Horseshoe Lifebuoy or Rescue Sling?

    I have come to the conclusion that each crew member on deck at nigh needs a waterproof H/H VHF radio attached to there lifejacket. these are now cheaper than a dan buoy and much more effective as the MOB is going to be able to see the yacht much more easily than the yacht can see them.
  18. roly_voya

    Lidl Dingie/tender

    Do you mean inflatable keel? ie an inflatanle bit under the floor but a canvas floor in which case any sports boat or do you mean the two panel 'V' shaped inflatable floor that works like a rib, never seen one with an internal floor as well.
  19. roly_voya

    Isle de Brehat - latest changes?

    Nothing makes Solent prices even vaguely justifiable let alone reasonable
  20. roly_voya

    Anchor alarms

    Already lots of different ways of doing it, GPS, Radar etc. Normally don't need to know if the anchor creaps a few feet only if it looses grip and you get a steady drag, if its so tight you need a more accurate alarm they you ned an anchor watch.