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  1. hlb

    trailer bearing, how much grease to put where ?

    You can't put to much grease on, it will just fire out what it don't want.
  2. hlb

    Advice needed for crossing the Irish sea (charity fundraiser)

    Don't know. The area well but believe it could be an area of over falls, if so it needs studieing with care. Do not pass in any time that they are active.
  3. hlb

    Rafting Etiquette

    Easiest way I've got out of a raft from the insides with a mobo is. Untie from the bank. Turn the whole raft round so you are now on the outsides. Leave as normal.
  4. hlb

    Conwy to stangford lough via peel Iom

    Long time since I've visited Strangford. Take note of what has been said. Your better at Dublin for fuel, but it is a nightmare. Ask about but you did pay for fuel at the chandlery, then it's up a forty foot wall,Mao it's a bit tricky. Strangford is lovely and I had a few friends there. Treat...
  5. hlb

    My new Rocna anchor seems a bit soft

    Surprised at you Mike. Give the ronca a burial at sea, then buy a proper plow or whatever. It will last forever,if it does go a bit rusty. Give it a coat of Hammerite.
  6. hlb

    Do you do cruising in company?

    Sailing in company can be a nuisance, first you have to find a week when every one can go, then there are different speeds and different capabilities. There used to be loads of get together organised on here. We did not travel together, but met up some where like Weymouth. That way you set off...
  7. hlb

    Timothy Spall - Back at Sea BBC 4

    I've done south coast to Scotland including Isles of Scilly. Not all at once though. P35.
  8. hlb

    Bardsey island

    Of course you can, or could, there is also a buoy for visitors, or there was. A long time since I was round that way, but there is something really special about it. Go to the museum there and get the history pamflet.
  9. hlb

    Bardsey island

    Why does hardly anyone go there, even documentaries seem to skip over the interesting bits. Easy to get there from North Wales, a church loads of posh houses and the place of 20,000 saints. I've been half a dozen times, it never fails to please, especially all the seals that want sex with the...
  10. hlb

    My First longer distance trip to Torquay and surrounding area recommendations?

    All the above is good info. Take note of LJ he knows it like the back of his hand, as I did. Torquay and Brixham are like marmite, you may well like one better than the other take note that John and I are very similar, we avoid marinas like the plague.
  11. hlb

    Looking for advice on 32-36 ft. motor yacht boat for choppy waters

    There is a lot of difference between 32ft and 36ft, much depends how you handle the boat and make sure that you go to the shore with the wind blowing off.
  12. hlb

    YBW forum burgee

    Glad to see that the burgee has finally got sorted. Just bloody hard work getting Henry to make what you wanted, it must have been vanity that stopped him I am still lost as to why he did not use the supplier That did an excellent job for years yet Henrys still looking for another one. A...
  13. hlb

    Wind generator or solar panel

    We know about sex and legs on here, nothing about boats
  14. hlb

    RIB to motorboat

    Kwackers. Folk are asking where sea rush is. Have you any idea or can you contact him.
  15. hlb

    What is best water filter for onboard drinking water ?

    We just us d it straight from the tap, we did have filtered water but hardly ever used it.
  16. hlb


    Hiya Sandra. As Long John said, I would not go far out of Salcolmbe in a small boat, particularly towards Bolt Head. Even towards Plymouth, it's never smooth. OK for Muckyfarter but that's another story. So you've got fed up with Egypt, never mind Salcolmbe is a good swap, just a bit expensive...
  17. hlb

    What do live aboards do in winter?

    John, have you thought of going home for a few months. It makes the next trip far more interesting.
  18. hlb

    Boat bbq's

    Would not have a BBQ near a boat. Always carried them but use them on the beach. By the way, ever seen a disposable one set on fire.
  19. hlb

    New boat dissapointment

    Don't be so sure. My insurance paid out 23 grand when I sunk, because my engine mountings had been broke for years, it took the prop shaft out and that took out the back end. In my defence I'd been asking the mechanic for two years to fix whatever the problem was, but he never found it.
  20. hlb

    How We Used To Be

    Nothing to stop you, we'd do it all the time, in between gardeners question time.