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  1. capnsensible

    UK cruising/circumnavigation planning - big questions so far

    I do wonder why some people bother to go sailing at all if everything is soo difficult. :rolleyes:
  2. capnsensible

    UK cruising/circumnavigation planning - big questions so far

    It could be that a 31 foot yacht is limited by coding?
  3. capnsensible

    UK cruising/circumnavigation planning - big questions so far

    When I had a small charter business in Portsmouth we had no problem with extended charters or insurance. Mebbe times have changed.....
  4. capnsensible

    UK cruising/circumnavigation planning - big questions so far

    Why would it take so long to do around 1400 miles non stop? Just to be sure I used the mileage facility on vessel finder. Why are people worried about sailing in the dark, especially 2 up. Night exits and entries into ports is a fab way to gain experience and confidence. I also wonder why...
  5. capnsensible

    Liveaboard marinas on the southcoast UK

    Agree. During our 23 almost years of living aboard our yacht, we generally found that with a shared interest in yachts n boats, our like minded neighbours were mostly great. I suppose things have changed in the UK now with liveaboards. 25 years ago we and others were welcome in Haslar Marina.
  6. capnsensible

    What boat would you buy to circumnavigate the UK and beyond, with only £5k?

    We sold our liveaboard yacht a few years ago after 22 fab years. Sad, but getting paid cash, no survey and the yacht sailing away the next day took the sting out of it. Selling our school yacht after nearly 8 years was OK, I took the new owner out a couple of times and then he shifted marinas...
  7. capnsensible

    Live Tidal Speed Stations UK

    I don't know how deep the layer is. But it's that top couple of metres that is of interest to us.
  8. capnsensible

    Live Tidal Speed Stations UK

    Surface water flow is generally accepted as the top layer that vessels operate in. There are various components to this and around the UK, the major cause is of course, tide. Tide streams are given as surface water flow. JG suggestio. Is that wind adds or subtracts to this with a vector...
  9. capnsensible

    Live Tidal Speed Stations UK

    It's not the boat, it's the surface water movement.
  10. capnsensible

    HM Coast Guard

    An excellent reminder to UK sailors how lucky they are to have a fairy godmother. (y) (y)
  11. capnsensible

    Brighton Marina Mud

    Good advert for keeping a boat in the Med.......
  12. capnsensible

    Orca attack

    I belive they are quite a sizeable company and run trips from the Med to the Canairies and the Cape Verdes. I have see them around in the Canaries quite a bit.
  13. capnsensible

    Orca attack

    Yacht sinks after latest incident involving orcas in strait of Gibraltar
  14. capnsensible

    What boat would you buy to circumnavigate the UK and beyond, with only £5k?

    You spotted my mistake! Have a virtual whiskey.
  15. capnsensible

    What boat would you buy to circumnavigate the UK and beyond, with only £5k?

    If you want to do it on a crewed yacht, a friend of ours is a part time skipper for an East Coast sailing school that does it as a charity event every year. They use the Crinan so not 'over the top'. He is on his 4th lap and heading for Inverness as I write and he is booked for another one in...
  16. capnsensible

    A National Campaign to Encourage Architects to Provide Decent Marina Facilities

    I've been to a few French marinas where the showers are 'mixed'. I really don't think that they should be encouraging blokes to spend 3 hours wasting water.
  17. capnsensible

    What boat would you buy to circumnavigate the UK and beyond, with only £5k?

    You have contradicted yourself. You own the shovel.....
  18. capnsensible

    What boat would you buy to circumnavigate the UK and beyond, with only £5k?

    On that, I agree. Buy cheapo boat and that's the blast. Keep It Simple Stupid as they say.
  19. capnsensible

    What boat would you buy to circumnavigate the UK and beyond, with only £5k?

    Apologies, I got no idea where you are going with this. I feel its far removed from what the op wants.