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  1. B

    Where are they now?

    Come on Kawa, I’ve only been away for 12 years! I’ve even got one of the VIP blue mouse gin palace flags from Haydn… I’m back to get the 2021 edition for my kayak :cool:
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    Where are they now?

    Well somebody could have at least mentioned me… ;)
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    Following MapisM's post on the season's first cruise

    Wow, beautiful shots! Thanks. :)
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    To any South of France-based forumites!

    OK folks, just to update, I will now be (hopefully) staying in Nice and commuting to Drap. The company director has assured me that they all live in Nice and get the Sunbus 6 in the morning which apparently goes from Nice to Drap. If anyone knows a family there who might want a lovely, friendly...
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    I'm a bit miffed.

    Which pear cider?
  6. B

    Thank you JFM!!!

    Very believable - looks like he has quite an amazing and well looked after boat from pictures etc. Majorly jealous :D
  7. B

    Small round black thing...

    I thought this thread was going to be about Lenny Henry. Badum-tish. Sigh.
  8. B

    To any South of France-based forumites!

    Hi jfm, Antibes seems too far out for the commute so living closer to Drap would be better, because getting a car is not really an option... I'm going to take a closer look at Nice and see where the cheaper student lets are available.. Also, Nick, I hadn't thought of contacting the university...
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    To any South of France-based forumites!

    Hi guys, Long time no speak! Busy busy here! Hope you're all doing well :) Just a quick question, really, on the off-chance that someone may be able to help - I'm exploring other avenues as well but it doesn't hurt to ask for any advice! Basically, for my third year of my Management With...
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    S.S British Respect

    S.S. British Respect? I suspect that sank a few years ago... ;)
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    What the Hell's happened to Earthrace???

    Kevlar??? Why?
  12. B

    Boat Thieves Caught ..

    Don't forget the Veiculo Longo sign that all dangerous oversized trailers need! The amount of completely wacky loading setups i've seen on the French motorways with one of those signs on the back is numerous! :D
  13. B

    A Year Abroad with Sunseeker?

    OK guys, thanks for the input :) I seem to have struck a nerve that I didn't even see coming. When I say 'manual work', I mean with regards to working on engines etc. Complicated mechanical stuff. I can't do it - full stop. As for cleaning and refuelling, I did that all the time with my own...
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    A Year Abroad with Sunseeker?

    As I mentioned in the original post, I could ask them directly but I know there are people who are in the industry on here so I wanted to just get a bit of background info before I approached companies with a set of more specific questions...
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    A Year Abroad with Sunseeker?

    Definitely something to consider, but boats are something that I'm really enthusiastic about, I could talk about them for hours but I don't get the same thing from cars, really. It's not a life career, just the year abroad - I'd rather spend it doing something that I enjoy than just any...
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    A Year Abroad with Sunseeker?

    If I was doing an engineering degree then it'd be a different story - I'm **** at mechanics etc. so why would I go for a job in that area, especially when my degree is Management-based?
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    A Year Abroad with Sunseeker?

    Thanks for taking the time to re-do it :)
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    A Year Abroad with Sunseeker?

    Thought I'd have a few more responses to this to be honest :o :D
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    A Year Abroad with Sunseeker?

    Nope, no PM, sorry :(
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    A Year Abroad with Sunseeker?

    Hi, As some of you may know, I have to take a year abroad in a french-speaking country next year as part of my Business Management with French degree. I want to get as much of a head-start as possible with regards to organisation, as it's not in my nature to leave something this complicated to...