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  1. Sea Change

    Mounting a solar panel on a wind generator pole

    I'd be tempted to get a long narrow panel, and have it close to vertical, but able to rotate around the pole. Then you could feather it in to the wind whilst on a mooring.
  2. Sea Change

    Best boat to cross the Atlantic on

    Isn't the Bowman 40 a Chuck Paine design?
  3. Sea Change

    Best boat to cross the Atlantic on

    Yes it is SNAPDRAGON 747 - sailboatdata
  4. Sea Change

    Electrical plans for off-grid boat ....

    I didn't realise you had as much as that, but of course being 24v it will add up! We did the first 18 months with 3.3kwh of lithium, around the Med, and we did have to resort to gas cooking every so often. Our reserve capacity was really just one day. Adding the second bank has changed all...
  5. Sea Change

    Electrical plans for off-grid boat ....

    Interesting to see how you can do this when you have a large budget. 20kwh of storage would be very impressive, you're into EV territory at that point. Just FYI we have 6.6kwh and it runs everything (except propulsion), charging from 1kw solar with essentially no engine charging capability at...
  6. Sea Change

    Scottish red ensign

    To actually answer Webby's question, mine was just the cheapest available on eBay. Lasted several years but eventually the Mediterranean sun did it in. We were never once questioned about the validity of flying it (other than by other yachties).
  7. Sea Change

    Skippered charter in the UK- legal hoops?

    Yup, open RIB with 700hp. People tend to stay in their seats when you're doing 27kt 😂 I've taken whole groups of completely newbies out on sailing boats before, as a volunteer skipper on historic vessels. I find people do tend to listen, and they want to learn how things work. On those boats we...
  8. Sea Change

    Skippered charter in the UK- legal hoops?

    I'm sure it's a combination of all of the above. And I don't want to overblow the whole 'hidden anchorages' thing, a lot of people will talk about getting away from it all but then choose to go to the marina/village/pub anyway. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I'm not sure how...
  9. Sea Change

    Skippered charter in the UK- legal hoops?

    The place I used to work had a skipper and up to twelve passengers doing ~30nm 4hr trips around the Small Isles. Occasionally we would take crew but generally only if there was a spare member of staff, new skipper in training etc. Vast majority of the trips were skipper only. I agree that it...
  10. Sea Change

    Skippered charter in the UK- legal hoops?

    For those actually based here, yes, they do get in to the nooks and crannies. For those on a one off charter, or passing through, not sure much, I think. I might, of course, be underestimating the appeal of pontoons. Not everybody enjoys climbing in and out of dinghies, and I'd have to factor...
  11. Sea Change

    Skippered charter in the UK- legal hoops?

    I'm thinking about lesser known places which we nearly always have to ourselves. Uninhabited islands etc. Nobody is promoting these places because there's nobody there to make any money! Yes this has probably influenced my thinking- I've spent most of the last three years dodging skippered...
  12. Sea Change

    Skippered charter in the UK- legal hoops?

    It could be either. I guess I could offer a combination of options (book singly for the bunk cabin, or book as a couple for one of the doubles, or book the whole boat). There possibilities would depend on the boat of course Fair points. I'd need to judge their abilities, and also consider the...
  13. Sea Change

    Skippered charter in the UK- legal hoops?

    The only thing that would be dependent on crew capabilities would be the itinerary. If nobody is interested in lending a hand, we won't get as far. If I've got as bunch of experienced gung-ho sailors who are set on St Kilda and willing to put in watches and overnight passages, then that's what...
  14. Sea Change

    Skippered charter in the UK- legal hoops?

    Agree, it always comes down to money. I don't need to make big bucks on this but I'd have to at least not be losing money. I was looking at the going rate for bareboat on the west coast, and it's anywhere from £1800-£3600 a week. So I was assuming that a skippered charter could add a little...
  15. Sea Change

    Skippered charter in the UK- legal hoops?

    True, I currently only have DS. I've done it twice, for both sail and power. I've also completed Advanced Powerboat and previously held a Boat master license. I have over 10,000 miles under my belt as skipper on sailing yachts, including an Atlantic crossing with only one other adult and a six...
  16. Sea Change

    Skippered charter in the UK- legal hoops?

    I'm not sure why, when sailing a boat which I would happily singlehand, I would suddenly be relying on paying passengers to help me just because they're there?
  17. Sea Change

    Skippered charter in the UK- legal hoops?

    Yup, I was thinking it could be quite flexible- two doubles and the bunk cabin. Same layout as our 39, but much more modern and nicer inside. I'd assume that the bunk cabin would normally be for me, with space to stow things, but it offers the option of me switching cabins and giving those bunks...
  18. Sea Change

    Skippered charter in the UK- legal hoops?

    Can I ask why you chose two weeks? That's a big chunk of somebody's annual holiday budget. I'm assuming one week would be more likely to generate interest, although obviously it limits me to the nearby sections of the west coast. I'm thinking St Kilda would be popular when possible, and...
  19. Sea Change

    Skippered charter in the UK- legal hoops?

    Thanks, nothing there truly that surprising. This project wouldn't be about maximising my income, it would be about doing something I enjoy and which I hope plays to some strengths and skills. Perhaps I have been influenced by the abundance of skippered charter businesses on my travels- plenty...
  20. Sea Change

    Skippered charter in the UK- legal hoops?

    I think social media presence could be a big thing here. Andy Schell (59⁰N) has done very well, his podcast is effectively free advertising for his skippered charter business, and he's now running a fleet of three boats and employs enough people that he is able to take time away from the...