Search results

  1. phanakapan

    non Schengen over wintering- have I left it too late?.

    What with one thing and another (orca threat/health/weather etc etc), we find ourselves only half way down Portugal (Porto atm), our Schengen time due up in mid December and nowhere booked for over wintering out of Schengen. We were thinking of Tanja Bay Tangier, and started trying to contact...
  2. phanakapan

    Long term mooring/ storage ashore UK

    Hi all. There’s an outside chance we might be living abroad for the next 3 years- and not some where we could take the boat to. Any ideas on a reasonably priced, (well frankly very cheap!), safe place we could leave the boat- preferably in the southern half of the UK for logistical reasons but...
  3. phanakapan

    Anchor snubber- long stretchy rope or rely on catenary

    I’ve heard conflicting arguments about the use and effectiveness of anchor chain snubbers. One argument says, of course use a rope snubber (either bridle or straight) to stop direct snatch on your windlass- but that the rope can be strong and (fairly) short because the catenary of the (suitably...
  4. phanakapan

    Whoops- Isle of Wight festival mud trap!
  5. phanakapan

    Rimas has turned up alive! Well it certainly looks like the (in)famous eccentric Rimas Meleshyus has survived, last known position was just north of a reef near Fiji on the 31st July .... amazing survival story if true. There will be red faces on a.n. Other...
  6. phanakapan

    diamond pattern treadmaster

    Just musing over putting diamond pattern treadmaster on the decks.... starting to pattern up/ estimate amount needed.... sheet sizes are 900 x 1200 x 3mm....... but which way round do the length of the diamonds go- parallel with the 900mm side or the 1200 mm side? Our boat is more working...
  7. phanakapan

    Women's oilies

    So this is my idea- your lovely SWMBO decides that she will join you sailing, and you purchase fantastic top of the range women's oilies size 14 or 16, with a convenient 'drop seat' trouser.... The years go by and she doesn't use them and is unlikely to do in the future-so what to do? Give them...
  8. phanakapan

    I fancy going to the boat show Friday- ticket deal?

    So, cheepskate me, I fancy going to the Southampton boat show tomorrow (Friday)..... or maybe Saturday.....anybody got a link /code for a cheap ticket? or even a spare (free?? :) ) or cheap ticket? Anyhoo,I will probly go anyway, anyone else going? Wanna meet up?
  9. phanakapan

    SY Wanda- Brighton arrival

    'Wanda' is leaving Island Harbour Marina, Newport, Isle of Wight late tonight, and will be (touch wood) arriving in Brighton Marina sometime on Thursday afternoon or early evening, 7th August. Exact time of arrival is difficult to predict, but we will try and blog/FB/phone when we have an idea...
  10. phanakapan

    Phanakapan back in Blighty and Special Thanks to Lenseman

    Hi all- 'Wanda' left Plymouth 13th August and arrived in Falmouth earlier today (Saturday 26th July) having taken a bit of a scenic route- 3 years and around the world :) Anyone is more than welcome to come and say hello if you spot us ( we are not easy to miss- just look for the rustiest most...
  11. phanakapan

    Chikungunya fever in northcaribbean- problem?

    We are leaving Grenada later today, (if the wind calms enough for us to put our genoa back on without uprooting the anchor...!)- and heading north to probably St Martin to provision and wait for a good weather slot for the Azores. However, we have just been scaring ourselves with the stories of...
  12. phanakapan

    Anyone in Grenada or....

    Further to my 'Woohoo I've just sailed round the world' post on Scuttlebutt, if anyone is in Grenada over the next coupla weeks, or further up the chain maybe Antigua later, I'm up for a drink or two..... You'll recognise the boat, just look for the smallest, scuzziest, rustiest boat in the...
  13. phanakapan

    Woohoo! I've just sailed round the world!!

    Got in to Prickly Bay, Grenada yesterday after 37 days at sea from St Helena- and crossed my wake completing our circumnavigation. We had a great welcome, we were just coming in and caught the vhf net and announced our arrival- so as we came into the bay, dressed overall, people tooted their...
  14. phanakapan

    One way to spend Lent....

    We are setting off today from St Helena, Mid Atlantic, towards the Caribbean. Because we are a bit short of time, we are planning a direct hit to Grenada, probably by-passing Ascension, Fernando de Noronha, the north east coast of South America and Trinidad/Tobago. So a total of 3700nm or more...
  15. phanakapan

    Change to the 'pilot on board' flag?!

    White over red? No longer.... it should now be a little white bobble over a red hat over a black face.( were you taught to remember it by the pilot's white hat over his red shouty face?) We sailed into Durban , South Africa, this morning- there was an unusual amount of radio traffic - Durban...
  16. phanakapan

    Only fellow liveaboards can appreciate...

    ....the joys of having successfully mended both a non-working outboard, and a non-working fridge today! Especially as we arrived in Darwin (anchored 1 nm from the shore) beerless (you had to get a special permit to buy alcohol in Gove, our last stop). Some new stuff on our blog, if you're...
  17. phanakapan

    Brighton to Brisbane

    Have made it to Oz in our little rust bucket; left Brighton (UK, not the Brighton 10 miles from Brisbane!) on August 2nd last year. Got a marina berth in Raby Bay, a few minutes walk away from K's Mums house for 3 months, and a lift out booked in a few days time, so hopefully we won't be looking...
  18. phanakapan

    Tell me about rivets..

    I am in Nuku Hiva, French Polynesia, with a rig problem- all four lower shrouds seemed extremely loose suddenly. The lowers go up to triangular tangs each side of the mast, which are held up by a big bolt going right through the mast. The bolt goes through reinforcing plates riveted on. On both...
  19. phanakapan

    Phanakapan Panama Canal transit

    We have our scheduled time for our transit-Wanda should be arriving at Gatun Locks 1730 Tuesday 10th (2230 UTC 2330 BST) and clearing Gatun Locks 1840; and completing the transit 0156 Wednesday 11th (0700 UTC 0800 BST)- so if anyone wants to check out the live webcams please do so- dunno how...
  20. phanakapan

    Panama- transit and visa news

    Ok, so not actually done it yet, but we are currently in Santa Marta Colombia waiting for a weather window to go over to Panama then through the canal. The original plan was to have a leisurely few days or more in the San Blas Islands, clearing in to the country at Porvenir where one could do...