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  1. P

    Sailing Jacket/Crewing kit.

    So, with my first boat hopefully on the way I'm trying to get some crewing sorted to build up some practical experience before going for my day skipper. so it seems the usual thing is to bring a harness fitted lifejacket and a sailing jacket with you? I have non slip deckshoes already. so what...
  2. P Liveaboards?

    anyone on here any experience of a being a liveaboard in NI. specifically carrickfergus or bangor marina? do either have a problem with this? I'm considering living on the boat maybe 4-5 days a week?
  3. P


    I grew up around my dad tinkering with boats and stripping anti fouling lol Now I've wanted my own boat for a while but cost of a lot of the fancier marinas was just too much, plus didnt want to pay fortunes to have a boat on hardstanding as I restored it. I've since found this place, near me...