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    Bill King interview

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    Tally Ho

    Under sail!………going to need that capstan to help hoisting sails with a small crew!
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    Explains about sailing on his motorsailer……the one in the distance😂
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    This could be my next boat

    Not an ocean crosser but alright for the rias .Sheriff600
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    The yacht club

    Back in1966 my father decided that the Arjun Yacht Club was were we should keep our sloop.To the novice sailer I didn’t question his choice yet it had an effect on my whole life.The yacht club stood between the mud and the sand.On the sand groups of people launched Enterprises and fireballs and...
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    Why did they think it was a good idea?

    Bloody great headsails and small mainsails…… when I am old and frail it’s a battle to tack or reduce sail even with furling gear which leaves a great lump on the forestry.My7/8 rigged mashford sloop put the sail area in the main but sometime in the 1960s racing yachts became the benchmark...
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    Coasting….jonathan Raban

    For wannabe round Britain navigates………he set off with very little training
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    Might come in handy….

    Great Britain’s Coasting Pilot….Captain Greenville Collin’s…..published 1693. Charles 2commissioned Collin’s as hydrographer and sorted him out a yacht and sent him on a Severn year study of the British coastline
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    Sándwich deck

    Several boats up for sale here in Galicia but some of the affordable ones like a Dufour Arpege have sandwich decks which are an unknown quantity as regards soundness.Is tapping a foolproof guide to voids or hidden delamination?
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    In the blood

    My father didn’t come from a nautical background but whilst in Ceylon after the war he had built a lug rigged Priam dinghy.On return I recall going round several boat yards looking at wooden tore outs until one day at Teddington lock we had a trial run in a fan tail launch…….and somehow ended up...
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    Riddle of the Sands

    Rereading the book and it occurred to me that these days Davis could well be sailing a Macwester26!
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    Lifeboat conversions a cautionary tale

    Michael Verne may ring a bell in some older formites mind……he wrote optimistically of buying a cheap lifeboat hull and converting it to an ocean wandering yacht……or creekcrawler.I fell under the spell back in 1973 having tried to fight off the idea I purchased a 26 footer lying on the mud at...