Search results

  1. TiggerToo

    A close shave

    ... with an anchor well. Yesterday, I dropped the anchor and all its chain, so that I could clean out the anchor well. Thing is, to reach the bottom I have to go down head first. It was a bit blowy on the water, so I was wearing a LJ. Said LJ got jammed and I found myself stuck, upside down...
  2. TiggerToo

    Irish online chandleries

    Does anyone have any recommendations for efficient online chandleries in Ireland?
  3. TiggerToo

    Oxidised Zn anode

    I have an old anode I removed a while back. It is covered with a white salt, which I assume is Zn(OH)2. Is it possible to remove this and continue using the anode? Should I do it chemically (how?) or by physical removal, e.g. with a wire brush?
  4. TiggerToo

    Outboard on Mirror

    Does anyone know is a "short shaft" Suzuki DF 2.5 would work on a Mirror dinghy?
  5. TiggerToo

    Sleeping Under the Bridges...

    ...on a starry night. The privilege of an easy cruising life. First outing of the year.
  6. TiggerToo

    Litigate or shame?

    Hypothetical scenario: One purchases a moderately expensive bit of kit for boat. Let's say £10K. This is from a reputable and well-respected company. The kit comes with a 2 year warranty. Said bit of kit fails badly on cruise 1 year and 4 months after installation. Company quibbles about...
  7. TiggerToo

    TSS Clarification

    While our summer cruise, we crossed (several) Traffic Separation Schemes. In order to refresh our memories, we looked (again) at the IRPCS and I became a little confused. Can anyone here shed some light on this matter? Rule 10 (a) states: "This rule applies... and does not relieve any vessel...
  8. TiggerToo

    Raymarine Routing Losing its way

    We recently (April 2023) installed a whole new electronics system on Tigger. We opted for a Raymarine set up. Pretty basic stuff: usual log/speed/depth/wind/AIS/autopilot. We used it extensively on our extended Azores cruise (May-Sept). All has worked fabulously and I am very please with it...
  9. TiggerToo

    Plymouth Sound: entry in a storm

    Hypothetical question: If you have to enter Plymouth Sound in a storm (full gale or stronger), which side of the breakwater would you recommend (assuming you have a choice)?
  10. TiggerToo

    Ireland Pilot book

    Which pilot book(s) would you recommend for a cruise around Ireland…particularly interested in the nooks and crannies of NW Ireland
  11. TiggerToo

    Lubricating Piston Hanks

    I have a new, lovely, hank on blade jib. The hanks seem to be bronze. What is the best way to lubricate these and keep them working smoothly?
  12. TiggerToo

    Recommended Battery Supplier

    What is your recommended (standard/Lead Automotive) battery supplier?
  13. TiggerToo

    Rutland 913 with HRDi on ebay (see link)

    I have removed a fully functional Rutland 913 wind gen and it's associated controller (HRDi). Both were in full working order when removed. The items are also currently listed on Ebay.
  14. TiggerToo

    Two 120Ah 12 AGM batteries - Free to a Good Home

    I have two AGM batteries I took off Tigger yesterday. They are 6 years old, but have kept constantly charged (shore-power and wind-gen) over these years. As far as I know they have never been discharged to less than ~12.4V. I have now switched to Li, so they are off the boat and free to anyone...
  15. TiggerToo

    Battery cables:

    So, you crimp them. But "to solder or not to solder? This is the question"
  16. TiggerToo

    Gas cans in anchor locker

    Would there be anything wrong with storing a gas bottle in the (bow) anchor locker? I mean for a short (3 month) stretch of time.
  17. TiggerToo

    Anchoring bias

    I rarely come here anymore, but this one I must post because it made me smile. I came across it while discussing genetics, genomics and transposons. Anchoring (cognitive bias) - Wikipedia It reminded me of how many nautical terms permeate our every day (and sometimes not-every-day) language...
  18. TiggerToo

    Commercial routing services

    Has anyone here used them? Which one would you recommend? (we are looking at N-Atlantic UK to Azores and back)
  19. TiggerToo

    Communication on "short" Atlantic cruise

    I am hoping to set sail to the Azores, next summer. We have been discussing communication solutions. We would like to have the ability to receive and send brief messages (routing/weather/how are things going...) while on passage UK-Azores and back. One suggestion that is floating at the top is...
  20. TiggerToo

    Discovering places...

    You know that feeling when... You discover a wonderful anchorage you had always missed (20 years and counting), just sailing by. Then, one day, in perfect conditions... I give you Talland Bay