Recent content by BobnLesley

  1. BobnLesley

    New York Vendee

    I'd assumed 50% behind so 15 days
  2. BobnLesley

    Age & sea sickness

    Many years ago when I regularly made the overnight Felixstowe/Zeebrugge ferry crossing for motorbike rallies in mainland Europe we invariably ran a sweepstake on how many sick bags puker-Dave would use during the passage. I don't remember it ever being less than a dozen; fair does to him though...
  3. BobnLesley

    Best boat to cross the Atlantic on

    Doesn't make much odds, it's really not about the boat; more important to have the right crew on board.
  4. BobnLesley

    Heaving To (How does it work ?)

    While we tended to heave to in heavy weather there's no reason you can't practice in lighter winds and we've often hove to for real in light winds to delay an arrival until daylight or make a meal in confused seas. We roo always chose starboard until one night in the Med port gave us a...
  5. BobnLesley

    Med plans for 2026 Total eclipse of the sun

    San Carles had a seriously good Fiesta sometime in August too, complete with bulls (only young ones) loose in the streets
  6. BobnLesley

    Heaving To (How does it work ?)

    Both our Vega and Trident Challenger would heave to under jib alone, but you drifted a little faster than you did with the main too, so depending upon the course you were making/wanting to make that could be a good or a bad thing
  7. BobnLesley

    A National Campaign to Encourage Architects to Provide Decent Marina Facilities

    Which was the Plymouth marina that had the baths and do they still have them? That was a wonderful discovery when we arrived there 20+ years ago, p1ss wet through and freezing cold after an unpleasant passage from the Helford River.
  8. BobnLesley


    Enquire at your nearest agricultural supplies store, I've bought several strong plastic 60ml syringes with large nozzles from ours for about fifty pence apiece
  9. BobnLesley

    Coffee Machine

    Not a glass one, look around for one with a s/steel pot. Lakeland Plastics and hopefully others - LP's were crazy expensive - make plastic one-cup cafetieres which are brilliant for on passage night watch brews
  10. BobnLesley

    Most Expensive Visitor moorings 2024

    A mere bagatelle: We got chatting with a mainiero at the Porto Cervo Marina in Sardinia during the 'good old days' when you could anchor within the harbour, clear of the marina's pontoons for free; you could get water and use the marina showers for free too - who advised that an overnight high...
  11. BobnLesley

    Inflatable dinghy repair

    No. If you suffer 'a big tear' you can (back on the boat or ashore) sew the rip before patching over it, this will give you a better chance of success.
  12. BobnLesley

    How fast can you go with 3.5hp (on water)?

    Both our 3.3hp Mercury and 3.5hp Nissan 2T engines were able to get a 2 4m rib up onto the plane; that said we rarely bothered as the noise levels when we did were horrendous.
  13. BobnLesley

    Losing achor overnight

    I wouldn't fit one if you paid me! Over the years that we were full time cruising we must've come across ten or a dozen people who suffered from swivel failures, while I can only recall one guy whose shackle let go and he didn't get a sympathetic hearing: the lad who snorkelled down to recover...
  14. BobnLesley

    Diving gear for cutting nets/ rope off props

    Based on actual experience: As suggested by julian, bike helmets are lined with foam and want to float, so in calm waters they are 'more hassle than they're worth'. That said, the water doesn't need to be much beyond 'glass-flat' before that aggravation is offset by the protection they provide...
  15. BobnLesley

    Lidl Parkside drill bits

    Reassuring to know; I haven't used them yet, but our local Lidl was doing a special offer on those at only £4.99 last week, then with a 10% monthly discount I'll have got another fifty pence of them too; I didn't actually need them, but at that price... That's a gift worth having! We have a...